Windows in the Cloud: Microsoft's Ambitious Move for the Future
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  • Writer's pictureQuentin

Windows in the Cloud: Microsoft's Ambitious Move for the Future

Are you ready for the next revolution in computing? Microsoft certainly is! In a recent revelation from an internal presentation, the tech giant has outlined its ambitious plan to bring Windows fully into the cloud, marking a significant step towards the future of computing.

Image: Microsoft

Windows 365: Where It All Began

Microsoft has been making strides with Windows 365, a service that streams a complete Windows experience to devices. Initially catering to commercial customers, Windows 365 is now making its way into the heart of Windows 11. Imagine a future where you can log directly into a Cloud PC instance at boot, bypassing your local version of Windows – that's the promise of Windows 365 Boot. And with Windows 365 Switch, Cloud PCs seamlessly integrate into the Task View feature, offering a versatile and flexible computing experience.

Microsoft’s state of the business from June 2022. Image: Microsoft

A Vision for Consumers

But Microsoft's aspirations extend beyond commercial use. The company aims to take Windows 11 "increasingly to the cloud" for consumers as well. This means your Windows operating system could be streamed from the cloud to any device, ensuring you have access to your digital world anytime, anywhere. The power of the cloud will unlock AI-powered services and enable a fully connected digital experience.

The Importance of Custom Silicon

To achieve this vision, Microsoft recognizes the importance of investing in custom silicon partnerships. This includes ARM-powered devices like the Surface Pro X and potentially even Microsoft-designed ARM-based processors for servers and Surface devices. The company is also exploring the development of its own AI chips. These innovations are set to redefine how Windows operates, further aligning with Microsoft's commitment to AI-powered services.

Defending Against the Chromebook Threat

Microsoft acknowledges the growing competition, particularly from Chromebooks, and aims to "shore up Windows commercial value" to stay ahead in the game. One of the strategies is to expand the usage of cloud PCs with Windows 365, ensuring that Windows remains a strong choice in the modern workspace.

Windows Copilot: The AI-Powered Assistant

In addition to cloud integration, Microsoft is pushing the boundaries of AI with Windows Copilot. This AI-powered assistant for Windows 11 is set to transform how you interact with your device. It can summarize content in apps, rewrite it, or even explain it – making your digital experience more intuitive and efficient.

The Future of Windows

With Intel, AMD, and even hints of Windows 12 on the horizon, Microsoft's ambition for Windows is clear: to enable improved AI-powered services that reinvent how we use our devices. As technology evolves, so does Windows, and Microsoft's internal presentation provides a glimpse into the exciting possibilities that lie ahead.

Stay tuned for more updates on Microsoft's journey to bring Windows fully into the cloud. The future of computing is closer than you think!

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