Who is Santa Claus? - Qpidi
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Who is Santa Claus? - Qpidi

Everyone talking about Santa Claus waiting some gifts meeting with their family. There is a long history behind it so let's find out who he is and where this tradition come from.

Who is Santa Claus
Who is Santa Claus

Who Was Santa Claus?

Santa Claus, known across the globe for bringing joy and gifts to children at Christmas, has a history that goes way back to the ancient city of Patara in Turkey. His real name was Saint Nicholas, and he was born to a wealthy wheat merchant around 300 AD. His life was considered a heavenly gift, and he became known for his miraculous deeds and generosity, especially towards those in need.

Early Life and Miracles

  • Born in Patara: Saint Nicholas was born during a prosperous era for the city.

  • Inherited Wealth: After his father's death, he used his inheritance to help the poor.

  • Secret Giver: He famously helped a poor man's daughters by secretly giving them dowries, which started the legend of Santa Claus.

The Legend of Gift-Giving

The story of Nicholas dropping gold for the daughters through the chimney is where the concept of Santa Claus delivering gifts comes from. This act of secret generosity became a central theme of the Santa Claus legend, symbolizing his role as a bringer of gifts.

Saint Nicholas' Later Life

  • Becoming a Bishop: Nicholas moved to Myra, where he became the bishop after a divine sign.

  • Miraculous Deeds: He continued performing miracles, including saving a ship and a sailor's life, which made him the patron saint of sailors.

  • The Great Famine: During a famine, he miraculously multiplied corn from ships to feed the city.

  • Persecution and Council: Like many of his time, Nicholas faced imprisonment for his faith. He also attended a crucial church council meeting in 325.

His Final Days and Legacy

Nicholas passed away on December 6, 343, at 65. He was buried in Myra, where a church was built in his honor. Over time, parts of his remains were moved to Bari during the First Crusade. His life, miracles, and especially his secret gift-giving became the foundation of the Santa Claus myth.

Church of Santa Claus

The church dedicated to him went through many phases;

  • Initial Construction: Built after his death, it suffered from earthquakes and raids.

  • Reconstruction and Damage: Throughout centuries, the church was rebuilt and expanded, even during Turkish governance.

  • Modern Interest: In the 19th century, various Europeans took interest in the church, leading to restoration efforts and historical studies.

Inside the Church

  • Cross-shaped Chapel: A special chapel was added to the church.

  • Sarcophagi and Frescoes: The church houses frescoes, mosaics, and sarcophagi, including one believed to belong to Saint Nicholas.

  • Architectural Changes: Over time, various restorations changed the church's original structure, but it still stands as a testament to the saint's enduring legacy.


Santa Claus or Saint Nicholas is not just a mythical figure; he was a real person whose life of generosity and miraculous deeds inspired one of the most beloved legends in the world. Next time you think of Santa Claus, remember the ancient city of Patara and the real man who started it all. Whether it's through the secret gifts or the patronage of sailors, his spirit of giving and miraculous touch continue to bring joy and wonder to people around the world.

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