What is The Hedonic Treadmill? | Chasing Happiness is Pointless - Qpidi
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What is The Hedonic Treadmill? | Chasing Happiness is Pointless - Qpidi

How long do you really stay happy with a new video game, smartphone, vacation, or even when you win an award or nail a project at work?

The Hedonic Treadmill
The Hedonic Treadmill

If stuff like that could make us happier forever, our mood should always be on the up, right?

But, that's not how it goes.

When we chase happiness, we often find ourselves stuck going nowhere, like walking on a treadmill. This idea tells us that no matter the good things we buy or the awesome moments we have, our feelings of happiness tend to go back to how they were after a while.

So, does this mean our level of happy doesn't change much, no matter what we do or get? It's a bit hard to accept.

Is there a way, though, to step off this treadmill and actually keep feeling happier as time goes on? Let's think about that more.

What is Hedonic Treadmill?

Imagine you finally buy your dream car. At first, you're over the moon every time you drive it. But give it a few months, and it just feels like any other car. This is because we humans are great at getting used to things, both good and bad. That's the hedonic treadmill in action.

Researchers found that whether we win the lottery or go through tough times, we usually end up feeling the same way we did before after some time. It's like our happiness has a set level, and we return to it no matter what happens.

Examples in Real Life

  • The Dream Job: Paul lands his dream job with a big salary and exciting projects. He's thrilled at first, but the excitement fades as the job becomes routine.

  • Love Life: Ida and Marcus fall deeply in love, feeling ecstatic. But as time passes, the intense joy gives way to a comfortable, less thrilling routine.

These examples show that even the best job or the most romantic relationship can become just another part of our lives. Our happiness levels adjust, and we're back looking for the next big thing.

Can We Change Our Happiness Level?

You might wonder if we're stuck on this treadmill forever. The good news is, we're not! Studies suggest that while we do have a "happiness set point," we can change it with some effort. Doing things like practicing gratitude, making meaningful connections, and focusing on personal growth can help us become happier in the long run.

How to Stay Happier

  • Be Thankful: Taking time to appreciate what you have can make you feel better.

  • Build Strong Relationships: Spending quality time with friends and family can boost your mood.

  • Help Others: Doing kind things for people makes us feel good about ourselves.

  • Take Care of Yourself: Enjoying hobbies and relaxing can help break the cycle of always wanting more.

  • Keep Growing: Learning new things and challenging yourself keeps life interesting.

The idea is to find happiness in the journey, not just the destination. Yes, getting new things or reaching goals is great, but it's the little moments and the connections we make that truly enrich our lives.

Breaking Free from the Treadmill

In short, while it might seem like we're doomed to chase happiness forever, there are ways to step off the treadmill and find lasting joy. It's about appreciating what we have, connecting with others, and constantly growing. So next time you catch yourself eyeing that next "must-have" item or achievement, remember that true happiness comes from within and through the simple things in life.

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