What is the Best Keyword Density? | SEO Tips - Qpidi
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What is the Best Keyword Density? | SEO Tips - Qpidi

There are various claims around the “best” keyword density to aim for. In this article we are going to show all the suggestions. We will calculate the ideal and best keyword density.

Best keyword density is between 0.8% and 1.95% on average
Best keyword density is between 0.8% and 1.95% on average

What is the Best Keyword Density?

After reviewing the top first-page results and suggestions from SEO content creators, the ideal and best keyword density in 2023 is found to be between 0.8% and 1.95% on average.


​Suggested Keyword Density

1-2% keyword density

1-2% keyword density

0.5-2.5% keyword density

1-2% keyword density

0.5-1% keyword density

1-2.5% keyword density

1-3% keyword density

2-3% keyword density

1-2% keyword density

​Overall Average

​0.8 - 1.95% keyword density

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