What is Sticky Demand | Basic Example - Qpidi
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What is Sticky Demand | Basic Example - Qpidi

Sticky Demand is a concept in economics that might sound a bit tricky, but we'll break it down into simple terms. It's all about how people keep buying certain things, even when the prices go up or when things change. Let's dive into this idea step by step.

Sticky Demand
Sticky Demand

What is Sticky Demand?

Explanation: Sticky Demand means that people don't easily change their buying habits, even when stuff becomes more expensive. Imagine your favorite brand of chocolate bars suddenly costs more, but you still buy them because you love them. That's Sticky Demand in action!

Why Does Sticky Demand Happen?

Sticky Demand happens for different reasons:

  1. Habit: You're used to buying the same things, so you keep doing it.

  2. Necessity: Some things, like medicine or basic groceries, you need no matter what.

  3. Brand Loyalty: You might really like a certain brand, and you stick with it even if others are cheaper.

Real-Life Example of Sticky Demand

Think about your favorite smartphone. Let's say a new model comes out, and it's more expensive than the older one, but you still want the latest one from the same brand. That's Sticky Demand. You're sticking with what you like, even if it costs more. Companies love it when Sticky Demand happens because it means they can charge a bit more without losing customers.


So, Sticky Demand is like when you keep choosing the same ice cream flavor, even if it costs a little more, because it's your absolute favorite!

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