What is Skill Based Education? - Qpidi
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What is Skill Based Education? - Qpidi

Welcome back to our super fun learning corner! Today, we're zooming into a fantastic way of learning called "Skills-Based Education." Ready to start this adventure? Let's go!

Skill Based Education - Learning by Doing
Skill Based Education - Learning by Doing

What is Skill Based Education?

Skill-based education is a learning approach focused on teaching practical skills rather than just theoretical knowledge. It emphasizes "learning by doing," where students actively participate in hands-on activities and real-world tasks to develop skills that are directly applicable to everyday life and future careers.

Who's Behind This Idea? 🤔

  • John Dewey: A wise teacher who looked at schools and thought, "We can do better!"

  • His Big Thought: He noticed schools were all about memorizing facts (like a parrot!). Dewey knew learning could be way more fun and useful.

What's Learning by Doing? 🛠️

  • Real-Life Example: Imagine making a sandwich by actually making one, not just reading how to do it.

  • Dewey's Cool Insight: Doing stuff helps you learn quicker and better. It's like riding a bike – you learn by pedaling, not just reading about bikes!

More Than Just Facts! 📚➡️🙌

  • Skills Over Facts: It's not only about the facts you learn; it's about how you learn them.

  • Life Skills: You gain super important skills like teamwork, problem-solving, and being creative.

  • Everyday Heroes: Whether you're solving puzzles or organizing your room, you're using these skills!

Skills for Everyday Life! 🌈

  • Beyond School Walls: These skills help you everywhere, not just in school.

  • Skills Checklist:

  • 🤝 Teamwork: Learning to work well with others.

  • 🔍 Research: Discovering cool stuff about things you're curious about.

  • 🎨 Creativity: Coming up with new, fun ideas.

  • 🗣️ Communication: Sharing your thoughts in a clear way.

Dewey's Ideas in Action! 🌍

  • School Projects: When you're working on a project at school, you're practicing Dewey's ideas.

  • Team Work: Every group project is a chance to learn how to collaborate – a super important life skill!

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