What is Redis? | Redis for Dummies - Qpidi
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What is Redis? | Redis for Dummies - Qpidi

Redis is a unique, in-memory, multi-model database renowned for its incredibly fast performance. Developed in 2009, it revolutionized how databases function, especially for applications requiring speedy data delivery, like Twitter during its rapid growth phase.


Basics of Redis

Redis, short for "Remote Dictionary Server," differs from traditional databases by storing and accessing data directly from the main computer's memory (RAM), not from slower disk storage. This approach significantly speeds up data reading and writing processes, providing sub-millisecond latency.

Key Features:

  • In-Memory Storage: Redis operates primarily in the computer's RAM, ensuring lightning-fast data access.

  • Data Durability: Despite being in-memory, Redis doesn't compromise on data safety. It can save data on the disk, allowing for data reconstruction whenever needed. This means it supports essential features like snapshots and backups.

Redis Data Structures

One of the standout features of Redis is its support for various data structures, making it versatile and easy to use with different programming languages.

Data Storage:

  • Key-Value Pairs: Every data point in Redis is stored as a key followed by a value, which can be in different formats.

  • Multiple Data Types: Redis supports various data types, including strings, lists, hashes, and streams. This flexibility allows you to store data in a way that aligns naturally with your programming language, without the need to fit it into rigid tables or JSON documents.

Interacting with Redis

Working with Redis is straightforward, thanks to its simple set of commands.

Basic Operations:

  • Creating Data: Use SET followed by a key and value.

  • Reading Data: Retrieve data with GET followed by the key.

Redis Beyond Caching

Historically known as a key-value store and a caching solution, Redis has evolved to be much more.

Advanced Capabilities:

  • Primary Database Usage: Redis is now suitable as a primary database, simplifying architecture by eliminating the need for additional caching layers.

  • Complex Data Modeling: With the advent of add-on modules, Redis has become a multi-model database, capable of handling complex data relationships and various database paradigms.

Redis Add-On Modules

Redis offers a range of modules to enhance its capabilities, catering to specific needs.


  • Redis Graph: For data with relationships, enabling queries with Cipher.

  • JSON Module: Structures data hierarchically, like in a document-oriented database.

  • Search Module: Transforms the database into a full-text search engine.

  • Modules for AI, Time Series Data, and More: Extends Redis's functionality to diverse fields.

Getting Started with Redis

The easiest way to explore Redis is through Redis Enterprise Cloud's free tier, which provides a free database with the option to attach an extra module.

Tools for Interaction:

  • Redis CLI: A command-line interface for direct interaction with your Redis database.

  • RedisInsight Tool: Offers an interactive dashboard for managing data, making it user-friendly for beginners.

Redis has undoubtedly transformed the database landscape, offering speed, flexibility, and a range of features that cater to modern application needs. Whether you're considering it as your primary database or for specific functionalities, Redis provides a robust, scalable solution.



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