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What is One's Complement? - Qpidi

Have you ever wondered how computers handle negative numbers? They use a clever trick called "One's Complement." It's like a secret code for computers to understand and work with negative numbers using binary, which is a language of just two digits: 0 and 1. Let's dive into what One's Complement is and how it works, using some everyday examples.

What is One's Complement
What is One's Complement

What is One's Complement?

One's Complement is a method used in binary (the computer's language) to represent negative numbers. Normally, binary numbers are all positive. To make a binary number negative, One's Complement comes into play. It's like looking in a mirror: every 0 turns into a 1, and every 1 becomes a 0.

How Does One's Complement Work?

Let's break it down:

  1. Start with a Binary Number: Imagine you have a binary number like 0101. In our usual, everyday numbers, this would be 5.

  2. Flip the Bits: Now, flip each digit. So, all the 0s become 1s, and all the 1s become 0s. Our 0101 becomes 1010.

  3. What's the Result?: This flipped version (1010) is the One's Complement. It represents -5 in the computer's world.

Example with One's Complement

Think of a light switch board with four switches, each representing a bit. The positions (up or down) of these switches show a binary number. Let's see an example:

  • Positive Number: Say your switches are up-down-up-down (0101). That's 5 in binary.

  • Making It Negative: Now, flip all the switches. Up becomes down, and down becomes up. Now, it reads down-up-down-up (1010).

  • What It Means: You've just written -5 in the language of computers!

Special Note: Zero's Quirky Behavior

In One's Complement, zero is a bit quirky because it has two versions:

  • Positive Zero: All switches down (0000).

  • Negative Zero: All switches up (1111).

This double identity of zero can be confusing, which is why modern computers use a slightly different system (Two's Complement) for negative numbers.

Example (1 - 5) using One's Complement

1- Represent 1 and 5 in Binary:

  • 1 in a 4-bit binary (nibble): 0001

  • 5 in a 4-bit binary: 0101

2- Find One's Complement of 5:

  • Flip each bit of 5 (0101): 1010

  • 1010 is the One's Complement of 5, representing -5 in this system.

3- Add 1 and -5:

  • We add the binary representation of 1 (0001) to the One's Complement of 5 (1010).

4- Perform Binary Addition: 0001 + 1010

5- Interpret the Result:

  • The result 1011 in One's Complement needs to be interpreted. If the leftmost bit (most significant bit) is 1, it indicates a negative number.

  • To find the magnitude of this negative number, we take One's Complement of 1011, which is 0100 (binary for 4).

The result 1011 in One's Complement represents -4. So, using One's Complement in a 4-bit system, when we calculate 1 - 5, we get -4.

Example of Adding (-1 + 5) using One's Complement

Here's the corrected step-by-step process:

1- Start with 0101 (5) and 1110 (-1 in One's Complement).

2- Add each corresponding bit from right to left, including any carry.

  • Bit 0 (rightmost): 1+0=11+0=1 (no carry) - (1)

  • Bit 1: 0+1=10+1=1 (no carry) - (11)

  • Bit 2: 1+1=01+1=0, with a carry of 1 - (011)

  • Bit 3: 0+1+10+1+1 (carry) = 0, with a carry of 1 - (0011)

3- There's a carry out from the leftmost bit. In One's Complement, this end-around carry is added back to the least significant bit.

  • Adding the carry to the rightmost bit: 1+0=11+0=1 (no further carry) (0011 + 0001)

4- The final binary result is 0100.

So, the binary sum of 5 and -1 using One's Complement method is 0100, corresponding to 4 in decimal.


One's Complement is a fascinating way of using the simplicity of binary to express something complex like negative numbers. While it's not as commonly used today, it's a key part of the history of computing and a great example of early problem-solving in computer science. Next time you're flipping a switch, think about how a simple action like that is similar to how computers used to handle negatives!

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