What is Addiction? | New World Addictions - Qpidi
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What is Addiction? | New World Addictions - Qpidi

Discovering today's addictions from being glued to our phones, playing video games non-stop, to scrolling through social media way too much.

New World Addiction
New World Addiction

What is Addiction?

Addiction means you can't stop doing something even if it's causing problems. It's like when you can't stop playing a video game, even when you know you should do your homework.

Types of Addictions

  1. Old Addictions: These include things like smoking, drinking alcohol, using drugs, and drinking too much coffee.

  2. New Addictions:

  • Phone and Social Media: Spending too much time on your phone or social media.

  • Video Games: Playing games all the time and not wanting to stop.

  • YouTube and TV: Watching too many videos or TV shows.

  • Working too Much: Not being able to stop working.

Why Are We Seeing More Online Addictions?

  • Technology Everywhere: We use technology a lot, like phones and computers.

  • Our Brains Like Familiar Things: Our brains pay attention to things we see and do often.

  • Lots of Choices: We have so many things we can do on our devices, like games and social media.

How Do These Addictions Affect Us?

  • We might start ignoring important things like schoolwork or spending time with family.

  • We might feel like we have to check our phones all the time.

  • It can make us feel sad or worried if we can't do these things.

What Can We Do About It?

  1. Understand Our Choices: Know that every time we pick up our phone or start a video game, it's a choice we make.

  2. Balance Is Important: It's okay to use technology, but we need to balance it with other activities like playing outside or reading a book.

  3. Take Breaks: Sometimes, it's good to take a break from screens and do something different.

  4. Talk About It: If you feel you're spending too much time on something, talk to someone you trust like a parent or teacher.

  5. Create Good Habits: Try to create habits that are healthy, like reading a book before bed instead of looking at a phone.


Addiction today can be about doing too much of something, even if it's just using our phones or playing video games. It's important to understand this and try to balance our lives with different activities. If you ever feel like something is taking up too much of your time and making you unhappy, it's okay to ask for help and make a change. Remember, it's all about finding the right balance!

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