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Using 'If Statements' in Java | Simple Guide - Qpidi

Ever wondered how your computer makes decisions? It's all about "if statements" in programming languages like Java.

Java If Statement
Java If Statement

What is IF Statements?

An if statement is like a decision-making point where your program can decide to run certain code based on whether a condition is true or not. Let's break down how to use an if statement in Java in simple terms.

Step- 1. Set Up Your Condition

First, you need something to test. This usually means comparing two values. For instance, you might want to check if a number is greater than another. In Java, you would set this up by defining a variable.


Here, we've created a variable called 'number' and set its value to 5.

Step- 2. Write the If Statement

Next, we use the 'if' keyword to introduce our condition. This is where you put the actual test. If the test is true, Java will run the code that follows.


In this piece of code, we're telling Java: "Hey, if our number is more than 3, then let's do something (in this case, print a message)." Since our number is 5, which is indeed greater than 3, the message "The number is greater than 3." will be shown.

What's happening here?

The if statement is checking if 'number' (which we know is 5) is greater than 3. It is, so Java goes ahead and follows the instructions in the curly brackets — printing out our message.


That's pretty much the basics of an if statement in Java! It's like a crossroad where your program can take different paths based on certain conditions. Remember, the condition could be anything from checking a user's age to confirming a password. The possibilities are endless!

If you need more information, please refer to the official documentation or our more comprehensive blog post on Java Conditions and If Statements.

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