10 Interesting Animals Made Amaze With Their Eyes
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10 Interesting Animals Made Amaze With Their Eyes

Updated: Jul 18, 2022

We searched for animals with strange eyes that we are not used to seeing. You will be surprised to see it too.

1 - Dragonfly


Dragonflies have eyes that cover almost their entire head. These creatures, also known as helicopter beetles, can see from a 360-degree angle of view. One of their biggest traits is that they can see very well even in low light.

2 - Tarsier

Tarsier has rather large eyes, but its eyes can't move. This means that primates must turn their heads to scan their surroundings. It is the largest mammalian Tarsier species in the world by body ratio.

3 - California Purple Sea Urchin

The California purple sea urchin is so packed with photoreceptors on its surface that its body has been described as a single functional eye. Since almost all sea urchins are sensitive to light, they can see in all directions.

4 - Trilobit

Trilobites lived between 521 and 252 million years ago. This group of hard-shelled creatures had crystal lenses made of calcite, allowing them to see very clearly even in dark ocean waters.

5 - Chameleon

Although chameleons are known for their color changes, this is not their only distinctive feature. It has some of the strangest eyes on the planet that can move independently of one another. This provides an almost 360 degree view.

6 - Four Eyed Fish

The eyes of the four-eyed fish, which can see the waterline and the bottom at the same time, are horizontally divided into two. Each half has its own pupil and retina, allowing them to work separately.

7 - Night Lizard

Night lizards, also known as geckos, have excellent vision in dim light. Their eyes are 350 times more sensitive than a human's at night, and because they don't have eyelids, they use their tongue to keep their eyes clean.

8 - Mantis Shrimp

Mantis shrimps have probably the most advanced vision in the animal kingdom. Their compound eyes move independently and have 12 to 16 visual pigments compared to us. They are the only animals known to be able to see circularly polarized light.

9 - Ostrich

The eye of the ostrich, which is a species we are familiar with compared to other creatures, is larger than its brain and is the largest eye of any living land animal, measuring five centimeters in diameter.

10 - Histioteuthis

These squids have one small blue eye, one big yellow eye and one bulging eye, which makes for an odd appearance. This feature, which provides better visibility in the dark, also helps him in hunting.

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