Keep It Simple and Stupid? | Basic Guide - Qpidi
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Keep It Simple and Stupid? | Basic Guide - Qpidi

The "Keep It Simple, Stupid" (KISS) principle is a design rule that emphasizes simplicity as a key goal in design and decision-making processes. Originating from the U.S. Navy in the 1960s, it was coined by aircraft engineer Kelly Johnson.

Keep It Simple and Stupid - K.S.S.
Keep It Simple and Stupid K.S.S.

What is Keep It Simple and Stupid?

The KISS principle advocates for systems to be designed as simply as possible without unnecessary complexity, with the belief that simpler designs are easier to understand, manage, and troubleshoot.

Origin of Keep It Simple and Stupid?

The KISS principle has its roots in engineering and military contexts, where complexity could lead to life-threatening mistakes or failures in critical systems. Kelly Johnson, working at Lockheed Skunk Works, presented engineers with a set of tools, challenging them to design aircraft that could be repaired by an average mechanic under combat conditions with just these tools. This test underscored the value of simplicity in design and functionality.

Application Across Fields

While the KISS principle originated in engineering and military contexts, its application has spread across various fields, including software development, business processes, education, and everyday problem-solving. In software development, for example, it encourages writing code that is easy to read and maintain rather than overly complex and convoluted solutions.

Benefits of the KISS Principle

  1. Enhanced Understandability: Simpler designs are easier for both creators and users to understand.

  2. Ease of Maintenance: Simple systems are easier to maintain and troubleshoot, reducing the time and resources needed for support.

  3. Increased Reliability: With fewer moving parts or complexities, simple systems are less prone to failure.

  4. Better Performance: Simplifying processes can often lead to more efficient performance, as unnecessary steps are eliminated.

  5. Improved User Experience: For products and services, simplicity can lead to a more intuitive and satisfying user experience.

Implementing the KISS Principle

To implement the KISS principle effectively, one must:

  • Focus on essential features or elements, avoiding unnecessary additions.

  • Use clear and straightforward language and design choices.

  • Test designs or processes with users or stakeholders to ensure they are as simple as possible while meeting the required needs.

  • Regularly review and refine processes, systems, or designs to identify and eliminate any emerging complexities.

Challenges and Criticisms

While the KISS principle is widely endorsed, it is not without its challenges and criticisms. Critics argue that an overemphasis on simplicity might lead to underestimating complex problems or oversimplifying solutions to complex issues. Therefore, it's crucial to balance simplicity with the need to adequately address the problem at hand.


The KISS principle remains a timeless guideline that encourages simplicity in design and decision-making. By advocating for straightforward, uncomplicated approaches, it helps ensure systems are accessible, reliable, and efficient. Whether in engineering, software development, or daily problem-solving, keeping things simple is often the most effective strategy.

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