How to Make Soy Sauce? | Step by Step Guide - Qpidi
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How to Make Soy Sauce? | Step by Step Guide - Qpidi

Soy sauce, a well-loved condiment with a rich history in Asian cuisine, is renowned for its deep, umami flavor. If you're a fan of this versatile sauce and curious about creating it from scratch, you're in luck.

Making soy sauce at home can be a fascinating and rewarding process. In this guide, we'll walk you through how to make soy sauce step by step, showing you how to transform simple ingredients into this flavorful staple. Get ready to embark on a culinary adventure that's as enjoyable as it is delicious!

How to Make Soy Sauce? - A Simple Step-by-Step Guide

Soy sauce, a culinary mainstay with over 2000 years of history, adds a rich, complex flavor to many dishes. Making it at home can be a long process, but the result is a unique and flavorful sauce you'll be proud to share. Here’s how to make 1 gallon (3.8 L) of soy sauce.


  • 4 cups (950 mL) soybeans

  • 4 cups (950 mL) wheat flour

  • Koji starter

  • 1 gallon (3.8 L) water

  • 3 1⁄2 cups (830 mL) salt

Steps to Make Soy Sauce Base

  1. Wash and Soak Soybeans:

  • Rinse 4 cups of soybeans and remove any discolored beans.

  • Soak them overnight in about 5 quarts (4.7 L) of water.

  1. Boil Soybeans:

  • Boil the beans on medium-high heat for 4-5 hours until they are soft.

  • Alternatively, use a pressure cooker for about 20 minutes.

  1. Mash Beans:

  • Once cooked, mash the soybeans into a smooth paste.

  1. Combine with Wheat Flour:

  • Mix the soybean paste with 4 cups of wheat flour to create a dough-like substance.

  1. Add Koji Starter:

  • Mix in the koji starter (amount as directed on packaging) into the soybean and flour mixture.

  1. Prepare for Fermentation:

  • Spread the mixture in a 3-inch deep tray.

  • Use your fingers to create furrows for better exposure to air.

  1. Ferment the Koji Mixture:

  • Let the mixture rest for 2 days in a warm, humid spot for cultures to develop.

Fermenting and Pasteurizing the Sauce

  1. Prepare Brine Solution:

  • Dissolve 3 1⁄2 cups of salt in 1 gallon of water.

  1. Combine Koji with Brine:

  • Place the koji in a large jar and add the brine.

  • Stir well to mix.

  1. Regular Stirring:

  • Stir daily for the first week, then weekly for 6-12 months in a warm place.

  1. Strain the Mixture:

  • After fermentation, strain the mixture, pressing out all the liquid.

  • Discard the solids.

  1. Pasteurize:

  • Heat the soy sauce to 175 °F (79 °C) for 20 minutes.

  1. Bottle and Store:

  • Bottle the pasteurized soy sauce and store it in the fridge.

  • The sauce should last up to 3 years sealed, 1-2 years opened.

Expert Tips

  • Temperature Impact: Fermentation varies with temperature; warmer speeds it up, cooler slows it down.

  • Patience is Key: The longer it ferments, the richer the flavor.

  • Hygiene: Ensure all equipment is clean to avoid contamination.

Making soy sauce is a labor of love, but the end product is a delightful, flavorful addition to your cooking repertoire. Enjoy the process and the unique taste of your homemade soy sauce!

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