Create Your Own Monetizable LoFi Channel with AI - Qpidi
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Create Your Own Monetizable LoFi Channel with AI - Qpidi

Are you ready to dive into the world of LoFi music and create your own YouTube channel that could potentially earn money? It’s easier than you think, especially with the power of AI at your fingertips. In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to create your own monetizable LoFi channel using AI tools, even if you don’t have any prior experience in music production or video editing.

Monetizable LoFi Channel with AI
Monetizable LoFi Channel with AI

Monetizable LoFi YouTube Channels

LoFi music channels on YouTube are incredibly popular, with some boasting over 13 million subscribers and videos reaching nearly 100 million views. These channels often feature simple LoFi beats set to relaxing backgrounds, and many are monetized. Creating such a channel is a fantastic way to tap into this trend, and the best part is, you can do it without any prior knowledge of music production or video editing. Let’s dive into how you can create your own LoFi channel with AI.

Making LoFi Beats with AI

First things first, you need to create some LoFi beats. For this, we’ll use an AI music creator tool called Mubert. It's user-friendly and used by many content creators to produce various types of music. Here’s how you can start:

  1. Visit Mubert: Go to Mubert’s website and click on "generate a track."

  2. Customize Your Track: Enter details about your music in the prompt box, or select genres, moods, and activities from the provided options.

  3. Select Track Length: You can choose the default length or extend it as per your need.

  4. Download the Track: Once generated, you can download the track after creating a free account on Mubert.

Creating Your YouTube Channel

Having your LoFi beats ready is only the start. Next, you need to set up your YouTube channel:

  1. Sign Up on YouTube: Use your Google or Gmail account to sign up.

  2. Choose a Channel Name: If you’re unsure about a name, use tools like ChatGPT for suggestions.

  3. Create Logo and Banner: Utilize Canva for designing your channel logo and banner. It's straightforward and offers many templates.

  4. Customize Your Channel: Add the channel description, logo, and banner to your YouTube channel.

Creating and Uploading Your LoFi Music Video

Now it’s time to turn your LoFi beats into a stunning video:

  1. Generate an Image: Use an AI image generator, like Leonardo AI, to create a background image for your video.

  2. Create the Video: Use CapCut or similar tools to combine your image and LoFi track into a video. Add effects and filters to enhance its appeal.

  3. Upload to YouTube: Properly title, describe, and tag your video. Don't forget an eye-catching thumbnail.

Growing Your Channel

Growing your channel requires strategy. Here are a couple of tips:

  1. Go Live: Live music streams can attract huge views and watch time, aiding in quick channel growth.

  2. Create Long Videos: Longer videos (2-3 hours) tend to perform better on LoFi channels.

Monetization and Success

To monetize your channel, you need to reach 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time. But that’s not all:

  • Mubert’s Free and Pro Versions: Mubert’s free version limits track creation, whereas the pro version offers more flexibility and commercial licenses.

  • Join Mubert’s Affiliate Program: If you’re not ready to invest, join their affiliate program to earn commissions.


Creating a LoFi YouTube channel with AI is not just about setting up and uploading content; it's about crafting a unique experience for your audience with relaxing and aesthetic music. By following these steps, you can start your journey in the LoFi music scene, attract viewers, and potentially monetize your channel. Remember, patience and consistency are key. Happy creating and best of luck with your new LoFi channel!

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