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10 Things to Avoid Doing to Your Cat | Become Your cat's Best Friend - Qpidi

Hey there, fellow cat enthusiasts! Let's talk about our furry friends, the mysterious and adorable creatures known as cats. Cats have a unique and alien-like behavior that often leaves us amused and captivated. From their independent personalities to their graceful movements, there's something fascinating about these enigmatic creatures.

A Girl and A cat hugging each other
You are Yours Cat's Best Friend

Cats are known for their independent nature, building a strong bond with your feline companion is a rewarding experience.

Unlike some other pets, cats won't always come running when you call them. Instead, they might give you a nonchalant glance as if to say, "I'll come to you when I'm ready." This sense of mystery makes us want to earn their trust and friendship even more.

Not sure what your cat likes? Here are 10 essential steps to ensure you and your cat become the best friends of yours:

  1. Don't Make Loud Noises: Cats are sensitive to loud sounds, so avoid making sudden loud noises that could startle or scare them.

  2. Don't Make Sudden Movements: Quick and abrupt movements might make your cat feel uneasy or threatened. Move calmly and gently around them.

  3. Don't Restrain Your Cat: Cats value their independence, so avoid restraining or forcing them to stay in one place. Let them roam freely.

  4. Don't Hug Your Cat: While you may adore hugging, most cats dislike being hugged tightly. Respect their boundaries and allow them to come to you for affection.

  5. Don't Neglect Litter Box Cleaning: Regularly clean your cat's litter box to keep their space clean and comfortable. Cats prefer a tidy environment.

  6. Don't Leave Food Scraps Around: Avoid leaving food scraps near your cat's eating area or litter box. Keep their eating space separate and clean.

  7. Don't Over-groom Your Cat: Grooming is essential, but don't overdo it. Cats groom themselves, and excessive grooming may cause discomfort.

  8. Don't Use Harsh Discipline: Avoid yelling, hitting, or using any form of harsh discipline. Positive reinforcement works best for cats.

  9. Don't Disturb Their Privacy: When your cat retreats to a private space, respect their need for alone time and avoid disturbing them.

  10. Don't Overwhelm with Visitors: Introduce new people to your cat gradually, and don't overwhelm them with too many visitors at once.

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