10 Shocking Tradition That You Never Heard of Around The World
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10 Shocking Tradition That You Never Heard of Around The World

Updated: Jul 18, 2022

Every place that habitat humanity around the world has always shaped humanity's traditions. In this passage we are going to talk about this interesting and bizarre tradition that will blow your mind let’s dive in!

1. South Korea

South Korea does not give permission to marriage legally for youngster before 25 for women, 27 for man. Youngster must have completed all the liability to government and army before marriage otherwise they can't marry.

2. Nepal

There is a secret organization that worship Shiya in India. Member of that organization see the shiya as supreme god and because of their belief "Everything created by Shiya so everything must be good come from Shiya." They don't belive their any actions are bad. They eat dead people, they do every sexual intercouse and they do not have any tabu action.

3. Indonesia

The Torajans are an ethnic group indigenous to a mountainous region of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Their population is approximately 1,100,000, of whom 450,000 live in the regency of Tana Toraja ("Land of Toraja"). Funereal one of the most important moment in their life so because of their low earnings they can not burry the corpse. Waiting to burry for dead they dress he/she in their most beautiful clothes and keep them in their house.

4. India

Women in india who comes to home daily, have to meet the sexual needs of the single young person at home.

5. England

Liverpool shop decorators may not undress or dress a female mannequin while a child watching the window.

6. Ambon Island

If it is determined that there will be scarcity of produce on Ambon Island, the men should go to the field naked at sunset and masturbate among the crops.

7. Mauritania

Women in mauritania who became age of marriage must weigh at least 132 lbs and at most 220 lbs. If they do not eat, girls are punished according to their traditional rule.

8. The Czech Republic

People live at Czech Republic believe bathing in beer make them healthier and help to calm their nerves.

9. Venezuela and Brazil

The Yanomami, also spelled Yąnomamö or Yanomama, are a group of approximately 35,000 indigenous people who live in some 200–250 villages in the Amazon rainforest on the border between Venezuela and Brazil. Tribe does not belive in burry the dead. Their belief is burning dead and eat their ashes with relatives.

10. Northern Vietnam

The Black Hmong is ethnic with strong feminist values in their customs and culture. They recognize gender equality, and most of Black Hmong’s families have both men and women as the breadwinner in the family. While Black Hmong women usually rely on their embroidery skills to make their ends meet, the men usually master skills like handling livestock or cultivating crops.

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